Your ultimate guide to corporate flu shots

Everything you need to know about hosting an employee flu shot event.

Flu vaccination programs.

Amid flu season, ensuring the health and well-being of your team isn’t just a consideration — it’s a priority. Flu shots stand as our first line of defense against the influenza virus, a formidable foe that annually challenges public health, disrupts workplaces, and affects the lives of millions. By arming the immune system with the power to recognize and combat the flu, vaccinations play a crucial role in mitigating outbreaks, reducing the strain on healthcare resources, and, most importantly, saving lives.

Unfortunately, with the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget about them. But don’t worry, that’s where on-site flu shots come in! They’re super convenient and give your employees an easy way to stay healthy. Just imagine turning your workplace into a healthy environment where employees are protected from the seasonal flu and can thrive all year. 

The Convenience and Benefits of On-Site Flu Shots

Enhancing Health with Effortless Access: On-site flu shots help teams stay healthy. Employers can rest easy knowing that their teams can receive vaccinations without the stress of scheduling conflicts or travel to a pharmacy or doctor’s office. This service is brought directly to the workplace, integrating smoothly into the workday and ensuring that health is a convenient priority.

A Testament to Employee Care: By offering flu shots directly at the workplace, organizations send a powerful message — they value their employees’ health and well-being. This fosters a culture of care and strengthens loyalty and morale.

The Ripple Effect of Wellness: A flu-free team is a productive team. On-site flu shots reduce absenteeism caused by flu-related illnesses, ensuring projects stay on track and meet business goals.

Community Immunity: Vaccination is not just an individual shield; it’s a communal safeguard. On-site flu shots contribute to herd immunity, protecting vulnerable people around the workplace who cannot be vaccinated.

In essence, on-site flu shots offer a blend of convenience, care, and commitment to health that benefits everyone — employees, their families, and the broader community. By embracing this proactive approach to wellness, organizations can turn the tide against flu season.

Flu shots: a shield against influenza

Every year, as the leaves begin to change color and the air turns crisp, a familiar villain returns — the flu. This seasonal visitor not only disrupts our daily lives but also poses serious health risks. Thankfully, we have a powerful ally on our side: flu shots. Let’s explore what flu shots are, how they work, and the science that makes them our best defense against influenza.

What Are Flu Shots and How Do They Work?

During the 1930s and 1940s, the flu vaccine was developed for the US military. In 1945, the first flu vaccine was approved for use by civilians, not just those in the military. Today, it is considered safe and effective for anyone 6 months or older. Flu shots protect against influenza, a contagious respiratory virus that can lead to severe illness and complications. But how do these microscopic guardians defend us? When you receive a flu shot, you’re introducing inactivated or weakened flu viruses into your body. This doesn’t cause the flu but does trigger your immune system to produce antibodies. These antibodies are like your body’s own personal security team, trained to recognize and fight off the real virus if you’re exposed to it in the future.

The Science Behind Flu Vaccines: Types Available

For over 70 years, the egg-based manufacturing procedure has been the go-to method for creating influenza vaccines. This technique is used to produce two types of vaccines: inactivated (killed) vaccines, which are known as the “flu shot”, and live attenuated (weakened virus) vaccines, which are commonly known as the “nasal spray flu vaccine.”

The flu virus is a master of disguise, constantly changing its appearance to evade our immune defenses. This is where the science of flu vaccines truly shines, as researchers work tirelessly to anticipate these changes and update the vaccine composition each year. There are several types of flu vaccines available, each designed to offer protection:

  • Standard Dose Flu Shots: Suitable for most individuals, these vaccines are developed to protect against three to four different flu viruses.
  • High-Dose Shots for Older Adults: Specially formulated to elicit a stronger immune response, these are recommended for people 65 and older.
  • Nasal Spray Vaccines: A needle-free option for certain individuals aged 2 through 49, offering a spritz of protection against the flu.
  • Cell-Based Vaccines: Recombinant flu vaccines are produced using advanced technology that doesn’t require growing vaccine viruses in eggs. This means that the production process doesn’t involve using chicken eggs, making it a suitable option for people allergic to eggs.

What about thimerosal?
Thimerosal is a preservative that is added to vaccines in multi-dose vials. Its job is to keep the vaccine free from harmful bacteria and fungi. Flu vaccines that come in multi-dose vials contain thimerosal to prevent contamination. However, single-dose vials and pre-filled syringes do not contain any preservatives as they are designed for one-time use. It’s important to note that some states mandate preservation-free flu vaccines for pregnant women and children.

Influenza Vaccine Composition for 24-25 Season

The periodic update of viruses contained in influenza vaccines is necessary for the vaccines to be effective due to the constantly evolving nature of influenza viruses, including those circulating and infecting humans. The World Health Organization (WHO) convenes biannual meetings to suggest the viral composition of influenza vaccines for each influenza season in the northern and southern hemispheres.

The WHO recommends that trivalent vaccines for use in the 2024-2025 northern hemisphere influenza season contain the following: 

Egg-based vaccines

  • an A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like virus; and
  • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.

Cell culture- or recombinant-based vaccines

  • an A/Wisconsin/67/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A/Massachusetts/18/2022 (H3N2)-like virus; and
  • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.

For quadrivalent egg- or cell culture-based or recombinant vaccines for use in the 2024-2025 northern hemisphere influenza season, the WHO recommends the inclusion of the following as the B/Yamagata lineage component:

  • a B/Phuket/3073/2013 (B/Yamagata lineage)-like virus.

Effectiveness of Flu Shots: The Shield’s Strength

The effectiveness of flu shots can vary from season to season. However, substantial evidence shows that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness, hospitalizations, and even the severe health outcomes associated with the flu. 

But why is yearly vaccination necessary? 

The flu virus’s ability to evolve means last year’s vaccine might not be effective against this year’s strains. Furthermore, our immune protection from vaccination diminishes over time. Therefore, an annual flu shot ensures your immune system is updated and ready to combat the latest flu viruses circling the globe.

The best time to get a flu shot is before the flu starts spreading in your community. Healthcare providers usually recommend getting a flu shot in September or October, but you can still get optimal protection by getting vaccinated anytime before January. 

Why flu vaccinations are important.

Getting vaccinated against the flu is vital and helps keep our communities and businesses running smoothly. The flu is highly contagious and unpredictable, so it’s essential to get vaccinated to protect yourself and those around you.

The Widespread Impact of Flu

  • Public Health: Every year, the flu virus spreads rapidly, affecting people of all ages and putting a strain on healthcare systems. Hospitals and clinics, bracing for the tidal wave, often find themselves stretched thin, grappling with the dual challenge of treating flu patients and managing other medical needs.
  • Businesses: The ripples extend into the workplace, where flu outbreaks can lead to significant disruptions. Absenteeism soars as employees fall ill or care for sick family members, reducing productivity and straining operations.
  • Education: Schools, too, are not spared, with flu outbreaks causing widespread absenteeism among students and staff alike. Interrupting learning and extracurricular activities can have lasting effects on educational outcomes and community engagement.

By the Numbers

The statistics paint a vivid picture of the flu’s impact:

  • Millions are infected with the flu each year, leading to hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations.
  • The flu is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths annually in the United States alone, a sobering reminder of its potential lethality, particularly among vulnerable populations such as the elderly, young children, and those with chronic health conditions.
  • Take a look at the CDC’s Weekly U.S. Influenza Surveillance Report for the latest statistics on influenza.

The Collective Benefits of Flu Vaccination

Getting vaccinated is a powerful defense against the flu. Here are some benefits:

  • For Individuals: Getting vaccinated significantly reduces the risk of getting the flu. If one does catch the virus, vaccination can lessen the severity and duration of illness, reducing the risk of serious complications.
  • For Communities: Vaccination helps create a shield of immunity, slowing the spread of the virus. This is particularly crucial for protecting those who are at higher risk for severe flu complications but may not be able to receive the vaccine themselves.
  • Economic and Educational Stability: By reducing the incidence of flu-related illnesses, vaccinations contribute to lower absenteeism at workplaces and schools, ensuring smoother operations and continuity in education.

The flu vaccine is more than just a personal health choice; it’s a community-wide act of solidarity. By choosing to get vaccinated, you’re protecting yourself and contributing to the broader effort to safeguard public health, keep businesses running smoothly, and ensure the vulnerable among us are shielded from the severe impacts of the flu.

Elevating employee wellness with flu shots.

In today’s fast-paced world, health and wellness have taken center stage in the workplace, marking a pivotal shift towards more holistic and preventive care strategies. Among these, on-site flu shot programs have emerged as a cornerstone initiative, providing a seamless and efficient way to safeguard employee health. Let’s explore the ins and outs of these programs and uncover why they’re not just beneficial but essential.

What Are On-Site Flu Shot Programs?

On-site flu shot programs are health initiatives designed to bring flu vaccinations directly to the workplace, offering a convenient and accessible solution for employees to receive annual flu shots without leaving the office. By integrating health services into the work environment, these programs make preventive care an easy choice for employees, fostering a culture of wellness.

How Do On-Site Flu Shot Programs Work?

Seamless Integration into the Workplace: These programs are tailored to fit seamlessly into the organizational structure, requiring minimal disruption to the workday. A team of healthcare professionals sets up a temporary vaccination clinic at the workplace, providing flu shots to employees at scheduled times or during a designated health fair.

Streamlined Process for Maximum Efficiency: Employers partner with a vaccination provider, like TotalWellness, to organize the event, handling logistics from setup to cleanup. Employees typically sign up for vaccination slots in advance, ensuring a smooth flow and minimal wait times.

Unpacking the Benefits for Employers 

Reduced Absenteeism: Flu-related illnesses account for a significant number of lost workdays each year. By providing easy access to flu shots, organizations can drastically reduce the incidence of flu among their workforce, minimizing the ripple effects of absenteeism on operations and productivity.

Increased Productivity: Healthy employees are the backbone of a thriving organization. On-site flu shot programs contribute to a healthier workplace where employees are less likely to fall ill, maintaining the momentum and efficiency of work processes. This proactive approach to health care keeps the engine of productivity running smoothly, without the seasonal flu-related slowdowns.

Improved Employee Well-Being and Morale: Offering on-site flu shots sends a clear message to employees: their health and well-being are a top priority. This tangible expression of employer support boosts morale, fosters a positive work environment, and enhances employee satisfaction. When employees feel that their employer values and supports them, their level of engagement and loyalty towards the company tends to increase.

The Bottom Line

On-site flu shot programs represent a strategic investment in the health and well-being of employees, translating into a win-win for both the organization and its workforce. By reducing absenteeism, boosting productivity, and enhancing employee morale, these programs contribute to a healthier, more resilient workforce and the organization’s overall success and sustainability.

In embracing on-site flu shot programs, employers champion their employees’ health and lay the foundation for a wellness culture that drives individual and organizational goals forward. Let’s make health a priority, one flu shot at a time.

Implementing an on-site flu shot clinic.

On-site flu shot clinics are an easy way to bring preventive care and wellness to the workplace. These clinics are not just about administering vaccines but about fostering a culture of health and well-being. Implementing a successful on-site flu shot clinic requires planning, a strategic partnership, and effective communication. Let’s dive into the essential steps and strategies that pave the way for a seamless and impactful flu vaccination campaign.

Steps to Organize an On-Site Flu Shot Clinic

  1. Set Clear Objectives: Begin with the end in mind. Define what you aim to achieve through the on-site flu shot clinic, whether it’s reaching a certain vaccination rate or simply making vaccinations more accessible to your workforce.

  2. Choose the Right Partner: Partnering with a reputable healthcare provider is crucial. Look for providers with experience in on-site clinics, a robust supply of vaccines, and a team of qualified healthcare professionals.

  3. Plan Logistics: Detail is critical. Decide on the date, time, and location within your facility that offers convenience while ensuring privacy and comfort for participants.

  4. Coordinate with Your Provider: Work closely with your chosen healthcare provider to confirm vaccine supply, equipment needs, and staffing for the clinic day.

  5. Promote the Clinic: Develop a comprehensive communication plan to inform and encourage employees to participate. Use multiple channels for maximum reach.

What to Look for in a Provider

  • Experience and Expertise: Seek providers with a proven track record of managing on-site flu shot clinics. Also, look for a provider who offers a flu shot voucher for your remote workforce. 
  • Quality and Compliance: Ensure the provider follows vaccine storage and administration best practices.
  • Support and Staffing: Choose a provider that offers end-to-end support, including supplying all necessary equipment and staffing the clinic with experienced healthcare professionals.
  • Options: Consider selecting a service provider that provides vouchers for flu shots to employees who work remotely.

Logistics and Best Practices

  • Scheduling: Create a schedule that minimizes disruption to the workday. Consider using an online sign-up system to manage appointments efficiently.
  • Location: Select a location that is accessible yet private, such as a conference room or empty office space. Ensure it has adequate space for waiting, registration, and vaccination areas.
  • Equipment and Staff: Confirm with your healthcare provider that they will supply all necessary equipment and nurses. 

Communication Strategies

  • Early and Often: Start communicating about the clinic well in advance and continue to send reminders as the date approaches. Highlight the benefits and convenience of getting vaccinated on-site.
  • Educational Materials: Provide educational resources explaining flu vaccination’s safety, efficacy, and benefits. Address common myths and concerns to reduce vaccine hesitancy.
  • Testimonials: Share experiences or testimonials from employees who have participated in past clinics. Personal stories can be powerful in encouraging others to get vaccinated.

Implementing an on-site flu shot clinic is a strategic move towards enhancing workplace health and demonstrating a commitment to employee well-being. By following these steps and employing best practices in planning, partnering, and communication, organizations can ensure their flu shot clinics are successful and positively received by their workforce. Let’s roll up our sleeves and prioritize health, one shot at a time.

Unraveling the truth.

Like other vaccinations, flu shots are a testament to medical innovation and preventive care. Yet, amidst their proven benefits, misconceptions and myths cloud the public’s perception, leading to vaccine hesitancy. It’s time to clear the air, debunk common myths, and present the facts about flu shots, ensuring everyone is armed with accurate information to make informed decisions about their health.

Common Misconceptions About Flu Shots

  • Flu shots are made with inactivated (killed) viruses or without any virus at all, making it impossible to get the flu from the vaccine.

Fact: The flu can lead to serious complications, hospitalization, or even death, especially in high-risk groups. The vaccine significantly reduces the risk of flu and its potential severity.

Fact: Even healthy individuals can get sick from the flu and spread it to others. Vaccination helps protect the community, including those who are more vulnerable.

Fact: While the flu shot reduces the risk of flu, it’s not 100% effective. However, it often makes illness milder for those who get vaccinated but still get sick.

Fact: The flu virus changes rapidly, and last year’s vaccine may not protect against this year’s viruses. Annual vaccination is necessary to ensure the best protection.

Fact: Flu vaccines are held to very high safety standards. Flu shots contain tiny amounts of inactive, or dead, flu virus. They also contain other ingredients, such as stabilizers, preservatives, and substances that encourage an immune response. These ingredients are safe, and necessary to keep flu vaccines shelf-stable and effective.

Safety and Side Effects of Flu Vaccines

Side effects are generally mild and short-lived, including soreness at the injection site, low-grade fever, headache or muscle aches. These minor side effects pale in comparison to the potential risk and severity of the flu itself.

Severe allergic reactions to flu shots are extremely rare. Healthcare providers are trained to manage vaccine reactions, ensuring the safety of all individuals receiving the vaccine. 

For the past seven decades, the flu vaccine has been administered to millions of people worldwide. Throughout this period, extensive research has confirmed that the vaccine is safe and has few side effects. This research is conducted by experts in the field of immunology, who have conducted numerous clinical trials and studies to ensure the vaccine’s safety and efficacy. These studies have shown that the benefits of the flu vaccine far outweigh any potential risks, making it an essential tool in the fight against the flu.

Vaccination is a crucial tool in our collective effort to combat the flu. By dispelling myths and addressing concerns with facts, we can move towards a healthier future, shielded from the impact of influenza. Let’s embrace the flu shot with confidence, knowing it’s a safe, effective way to protect ourselves and those around us from the flu.


Navigating the legal and ethical landscape.

As organizations increasingly recognize the value of on-site flu shot programs in promoting employee health and well-being, it’s essential to approach these initiatives with a keen awareness of the legal and ethical considerations involved. Ensuring the success of these programs not only involves logistical planning and promoting participation but also navigating the delicate balance between public health benefits and individual rights. 

Consent and Privacy: Upholding Employee Rights

Voluntary Participation: At the heart of on-site flu shot programs is the principle of voluntary consent. Employees must have the freedom to choose whether to receive the flu vaccine without coercion or undue pressure. Clear communication about the voluntary nature of the program reinforces respect for individual autonomy.

Informed Consent: Ensuring that employees have all the necessary information to make an informed decision about receiving the flu shot is paramount. This includes details about the vaccine’s benefits, potential side effects, and the specific vaccine being offered. Your flu shot vendor should provide consent forms.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Handling personal health information with the utmost confidentiality is critical. Employers must establish protocols to ensure that vaccination records and health data are secure, accessible only to authorized personnel, and used solely for the purposes of managing the flu shot program. Compliance with privacy laws, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States, is required.

Host a flu vaccine clinic.

On-site flu shot programs are not just a health initiative; they’re a strategic investment in the well-being of your employees and the overall success of your organization. By implementing these programs, you can safeguard your team against the flu, enhance productivity, and foster a positive work environment where everyone thrives.

We encourage organizations of all sizes and sectors to consider the profound impact of on-site flu shot clinics. Take a step towards a healthier future for your workforce. It’s time to roll up our sleeves — not just for the flu shot, but for the well-being of our teams and the communities we serve. Let’s embrace the power of prevention and pave the way for a healthier, more productive workplace.