About TotalWellness
Since our start in 1998, we’ve worked with companies that are interested in the happiness and health of their employee population.
We want you to have the best biometric screening experience you’ve ever had. We believe that every one of you has at least one thing that makes you healthy. Whether it’s eating blueberries for breakfast, walking the dog over your lunch break, chasing your kids around the yard or getting a full night’s sleep, you have healthy habits in your life.
The first step to maximizing your health is finding your healthy. Look at your own life and your daily routine. What kinds of things do you do that help you to feel good physically? Mentally? Spiritually? Take note of these awesome habits because that’s how you can create more.
When you recognize the healthy habits that seem like second nature in your life, it’s so much easier to incorporate even more healthy choices and eventually weed out the not-so-healthy ones. This is how the best—and most sustainable—health journeys start.
Your employer will provide you with detailed information about your program. However, below are some quick tips and reminders.
- All information obtained during a TotalWellness biometric screening is personal and confidential, as protected by federal law. Your employer will not have access to individual results. Read our full privacy policy for more information.
- If your employer told you to fast before your screening, please remember to fast 9 or more hours prior to your blood collection. You should take any regularly scheduled medications as usual. Drinking plenty of water is recommended during the fasting period.
- If you are trying to upload your screening results that you obtain during a visit to your doctor or health care provider, you can locate your specific company upload url at the bottom of the results form. You can also fax forms to 402.939.8922. Only TotalWellness Primary Care Provider Forms will be accepted. We cannot accept lab results or other forms from the doctor’s office. Please double check to ensure the form is complete before sending.
- If you are an employee who participated in a TotalWellness event (i.e. screening, flu shot,) at your company and you have questions regarding your results please email us at followup@totalwellnesshealth.com. If you would like to request a copy of your consent form from an onsite event, please click here to access request form. You can then fax this request to TotalWellness.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to give us a call or email us at news@totalwellnesshealth.com.