We’re glad you’ve chosen to work with TotalWellness to help us create healthier employees across the country. We wouldn’t be able to do what we do without you!

In order to maintain consistency across all events, we have put together our online certification programs. We encourage you to check out the different certifications we offer and complete the certification programs that relate to you.

Flu Certification Program

This program is for all nurses (RN, LPN and LVN’s ONLY) wanting to administer flu shots. If you’re planning to work any TotalWellness flu shot events, you’ll need to be certified. If you’re not planning to work any flu shot events with us, you don’t need to complete the certification. This certification ensures you are completely up-to-date on the process of administering a flu shot and will authorize you to administer flu shots at TotalWellness events through March 31, 2020. It helps protect our participants; it helps protect us; and it helps protect you.

In order to become certified, you’ll need to review our flu materials, and pass a short quiz about the information. Follow this link to be guided through the flu certification program.

Health Screening Certification Program

This program is for all contractors (RN, LPN, MA, CNA, Phleb etc.) wanting to work health screening events. This certification is not mandatory but highly encouraged and may be required to work event where services are performed in a single station format. Those that complete the certification will have a better chance of being selected to work health screening events, when nominating.

In order to become certified, you’ll need to review our health screening procedures and pass a short quiz about the information. Follow this link to be guided through the health screening certification program.

*Please note: the certification tests referenced here are different than the tests you completed during the hiring process. You still need to complete this flu certification program in order to work flu shot events and the health screening certification program if you wish to have a better chance of being selected to work health screening events with TotalWellness.

If you have any questions, you can email us at RNS@totalwellnesshealth.com.

We’re excited to work with you—thanks for all you do!