High Need Cities

TotalWellness is building our pool of independent contractors in the locations listed below. We are looking for skilled, licensed and/or certified medical professionals (RN, LPN, CNA, MA, LVN, Phlebotomist, EMT/Paramedic, etc.) to work corporate health screenings, COVID-19 testing services and flu shot events. If you live in one of these cities, we’d love to hear from you. Apply today!

TotalWellness Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dec, 10
TotalWellness Duluth, Minnesota Dec, 10
TotalWellness Minneapolis, Minnesota Dec, 10
TotalWellness Hot Springs, Louisiana Dec, 10
TotalWellness Shreveport, Louisiana Dec, 10
TotalWellness Hattiesburg, Mississippi Dec, 10
TotalWellness Orlando, Florida Dec, 10
TotalWellness Savannah, Georgia Dec, 10
TotalWellness Charlotte, North Carolina Dec, 10
TotalWellness Greensboro, North Carolina Dec, 10
TotalWellness Trenton, New Jersey Dec, 10
TotalWellness Cherry Hills, New Jersey Dec, 10
TotalWellness Newark, New Jersey Dec, 10
TotalWellness New York, New York Dec, 10
TotalWellness Long Island, New York Dec, 10
TotalWellness Brooklyn, New York Dec, 10
TotalWellness The Bronx, New York Dec, 10
TotalWellness Hempstead, New York Dec, 10
TotalWellness Buffalo, New York Dec, 10
TotalWellness Hartford, Connecticut Dec, 10