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Testimonials & Success Stories
Why TotalWellness?
By joining TotalWellness as an independent contractor you’ll have the opportunity to impact the lives of employees across the country. Here are some testimonials from some of current contractors:
Kathy is impressed with our processes
This was my first event with TotalWellness. I’m super impressed! All supplies were received, neat and orderly. Very organized and I love that you stay in contact leading up to the event. I work for another wellness company, and they could learn a lot from you! Everything I have experienced so far is “first rate.” Your scheduling system, training format, and reimbursement systems are easy to navigate and very professional. Thanks for offering me this opportunity!
Kathy, RN
Barbara appreciates the professionalism & organization
I have worked for Total Wellness for the past three years. It has been a pleasure working for TotalWellness. They are the most professional, well-organized wellness company I have worked for. I have been a nurse for over 40 years and have worked in many different medical jobs. In hospitals, doctor offices, surgery, and with other wellness organizations. TotalWellness is the only wellness company I now work for because, of the way they treat their staff, and also because they are so organized, and professional. I feel like I am representing a very good company, when I go to work for TotalWellness.
Barbara, LPN
Started 2008
Anne’s 13 years of wonderful experience
I’ve been working for TotalWellness for about 13 years and it has been a wonderful experience. The staff are so supportive and are there to assist you if you have questions at any time. The greatest part of doing a flu clinic is knowing you’re helping protect people from illness. Health screenings are always interesting because you help people understand the importance of knowing their test results and how to improve them if they’re not within normal limits. There is always enough staff at the clinics which makes them run smoothly.
Anne, RN
Started 2002
Debbie’s breath of fresh air
Through TotalWellness, I have gained healthcare experience in unconventional environments. These corporate health fairs have allowed me to help people who might not necessarily think they even have any wellness issues. This aspect is a rewarding one because after working for inpatient facilities where sick patients understand their ailments, it is always a great feeling to assist in an effort of prevention versus treatment, which in turn, saves our country millions in in-patient care. It’s just a breath of fresh air to know that the services we provide are the right measures to take advantage of for an employee of whatever business we happen to be assisting on that particular day.
Debbie, RN
Nationwide Coordinator
Started 2004
Judy’s having fun
TotalWellness has taken the complexity out of nursing and made it simple, so you can get back to the basics of nursing. If you like giving shots, taking blood pressures or drawing blood, etc. all the basics of nursing, TotalWellness is an amazing company to work for. They are always friendly and able to help you. They value you as a nurse and a person. The stress is 0-1 and you can pick your own hours and places. So, if you just want a little extra cash or a lot of extra cash it’s your choice and TotalWellness is happy to have you, no pressure or required time – you choose. Supplies are either shipped to you or you pick-up, nominations and time cards are done over the computer, and the pay is great. You will meet a lot of new and different people, that are happy to see you come and form a lot of friendships. TotalWellness takes care of all you need and puts fun and enjoyment back into nursing.
So here’s what I tell my friends; if you’re tired of the high stress, lack of respect, work putting you in a bad mood, always working no time for you or family, and making little… then TotalWellness is the place to be. No stress, lots of respect for you, puts fun back into nursing, choose your events, so you have time for you and family, and make a lot more money than you could at a full time job. Seasonal means summers are usually slow but that’s great for me (fun, fun, fun). That’s what Total Wellness is… great company, great people to work with, and great family to be a part of…I love TotalWellness!
Judy McIntosh, LPN