TotalWellness requires that all employees complete a HIPAA training upon hire and annually thereafter.  Please review the materials below and take the HIPAA quiz to complete the TotalWellness employee HIPAA training.

HIPAA Training Quiz

  • I understand that any unauthorized use or disclosure of information residing on TotalWellness information resource systems may result in disciplinary action consistent with the policies and procedures of federal, state, and local agencies. I further understand and agree to adhere to all privacy and security policies set forth by TotalWellness. The most recent version of the TotalWellness privacy and security policies are available on the TotalWellness shared drive. I understand and agree to abide by the policies set forth in the TotalWellness Employee Manual. I also agree to continue to abide by all TotalWellness non-disclosure and confidentiality polices as set forth on the TotalWellness employee agreement, which is available on the shared drive (Shared Drive > Benefits & Employee Policies > New hire docs for all EE’s > TW_EmployeeManual & 4.EmployeeAgreement.)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY