Vaccination Event Toolkit

Event Paperwork

Print one consent form per participant and five copies of the Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for each type of vaccine ordered. Provide the printed paperwork to the nurse upon arrival.

Flu Shots

Covid Shots

Additional Resources

  • Self-Check-In Table Tent – The table tent provides participant instructions on event self check-in. The TotalWellness nurse will bring a black and white copy, but you can print a color version if you’d like.
  • Privacy Practice Notice – The privacy practice notice is referenced in the consent form. The TotalWellness nurse will bring a copy to the event.
  • Proof of Vaccination Request – Participants are encouraged to photograph their completed consent form after vaccine administration, if vaccination proof is needed. After event completion, visit to request vaccination documentation. Proof of vaccination documentation is available 10 business days after the participation date and requests may take 48-72 hours to process.

Frequently asked questions.

We’re here to help. Need some assistance or have questions? Below is a list of frequently asked questions regarding onsite vaccination events.

Vaccine Details

It is recommended that trivalent vaccines for use in the 2024-2025 influenza season (Northern Hemisphere winter) contain the following:

Egg based vaccines:

  • an A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A/Thailand/8/2022 (H3N2)-like virus; and (Updated)
  • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.

Cell or recombinant based vaccines:

  • an A/Wisconsin/67/2022 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
  • an A/Massachusetts/18/2022 (H3N2)-like virus; and (Updated)
  • a B/Austria/1359417/2021 (B/Victoria lineage)-like virus.

TotalWellness utilizes Egg based vaccines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) along with the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory committee both recommended that the FDA approve trivalent vaccines for the 2024-2025 flu season. The new formulation will eliminate the B/Yamagata viruses that no longer pose a threat, as they have not been documented anywhere in the world since early 2020.

TotalWellness utilizes preservative free, trivalent flu vaccine for our events. The vaccine is provided in prefilled, single dose syringes. Brands include Seqirus Afluria Quadrivalent, GSK Fluarix Quadrivalent, and GSK FluLaval Quadrivalent.

65+ flu shots are only provided at events when clients specifically order them in advance. The price for 65+ shots differs from standard flu shots.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the best way to reduce the risks of getting the flu and potentially serious complications is by getting an annual flu vaccination. It is important to get a flu shot annually because immunity wanes over time and the flu vaccine formula is modified each year.

The seasonal flu, otherwise known as influenza, is a respiratory illness caused by a virus. The flu generally spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes, sending infection droplets of moisture into the air for others to breathe. A person can also catch the flu by touching surfaces where those droplets have fallen.

The flu shot does not contain live viruses, so it cannot “give” participants the flu. However, the vaccine does trigger an immune response, so participants may experience a few mild, temporary symptoms such as achy muscles or a low fever.

Yes, the preservative-free flu vaccine provided at TotalWellness events is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The covid vaccine provided at events has also been approved for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

For flu shots events we provide an additional 10% vaccine and supplies to each event. The 10% is calculated off of your flu shot order number. For example, if you ordered 50 flu shots, we would send enough vaccine and supplies to administer 55 shots.
For covid vaccine orders we provide the exact quantity of shots ordered.

No, it is TotalWellness policy to only administer shots to individuals 18+ (or 19+ in Alabama and Georgia). 

The vaccine provided by TotalWellness is administered intramuscularly, meaning it is injected directly into a muscle. The shot(s) will be administered in the deltoid muscle, the muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder.

Event Paperwork

Yes, each participant will need to complete a consent form for each type of shot they are receiving. Participants will have access to print the consent form(s) in advance, if you are utilizing our online appointment scheduling tool, Register My Time. Site contacts are responsible for printing consent forms to have available at the event.

The Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) explains both the benefits and risks of receiving the vaccine.

Within each vaccine consent form, TotalWellness provides a link to view the VIS online. We ask site contacts to print a few VIS documents to have just in case a participant would prefer a hard copy.

Participant Information

The shot will be administered in the participant’s upper arm. Short sleeved or loose-fitting shirts are encouraged. The upper arm, near the shoulder will need to be exposed to receive the shot.

If this vaccination is the participant’s first time receiving this type of vaccine vaccination or if they have had an adverse reaction in the past, the participant will be asked to stay at the event for 10-15 minutes for observation. If the participant has received this type of vaccine (flu or covid) in the past with no negative reaction, they do not need to remain at the event; however, we do ask that they remain around other people for at least 20 minutes.

We recommend individuals take a picture of their completed consent form, after the nurses administers the shot and adds in the vaccination information. If a participant needs proof of vaccination after the event, they can request a copy of their consent form by visiting

Event Details

We ask for at least six weeks’ notice when requesting an event.

TotalWellness assumes one nurse can administer 20 shots per hour. We determine your event duration by taking your vaccination order number and dividing by 20.

You can request additional time for your event, but additional nurse time fees may apply.

Yes, the lead nurse will reach out to you three to five days prior to your event to touch base with you. If you haven’t heard from your nurse within a few days of your event, let your account manager know.

The nurse(s) will arrive 15-30 minutes prior to the event start time.

Yes, TotalWellness sends all vaccine and supplies to the lead nurse who will bring them onsite. Our clients are not responsible for receiving or returning vaccine or supplies.

Nurse names are emailed out five days prior to your event.

TotalWellness does not normally provide a check-in person. We include a table tent with instructions for participants to self-check-in upon arrival.

Requested Changes

TotalWellness allows you to increase the number of shots ordered up to 14 days prior to your event with no fee. Increases requested with less than 14 days notices can be accommodated, but a fee may be charged. We do not allow decreases to the number of shots ordered.

Contact your account manager to request an event time change. We can accommodate time changes that do not change the event duration and are not more than two hours from the original start time or end time. Requests made with less than 14 days notice may incur a fee.

Contact your account manager to request an event location change. We can accommodate location changes within the same metro area. Fees may apply, depending on when the change is requested. In general, changes requested 14 days or more prior to your event will not incur a fee.

Contact your account manager regarding reschedule requests. Depending on when the request is made, a fee may be charged to reschedule your event.

Contact your account manager regarding event cancellations. Cancellation fees may apply, depending on when you request the cancellation.

TotalWellness has 24-hour client support available by calling 402.964.0542 and following the prompts.

Register My Time

Participant signup rosters are emailed between 3:00pm – 4:00pm Central Time the day prior to your event.

Your TotalWellness account manager will reach out to you via email when appointments are close to capacity.