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Say Hello to a Better Biometric Screening Experience
If you’ve hosted a biometric screening or implemented a wellness program in the past, you’ve probably noticed a distinctly negative viewpoint. Most wellness companies focus on health risks and highlight everything your employees are doing wrong. The industry has spent years focusing on scare tactics to try and motivate people to change, but the data just doesn’t support this approach.
We see wellness differently. In fact, we believe that every single one of your employees is doing something to benefit their health, and we want to use that as a catalyst for intrinsic change. From playing with their kids to eating breakfast every morning, your staff is engaging in healthy behaviors. By piggybacking off of those actions and pairing them with a positive mindset, we’re shifting how employees think. We want to empower participants and increase their confidence in their own ability to make healthy changes.
Changing the conversation is the first step toward healthier behavior. Learn more about our approach.
Contact us today for a free biometric screening price quote and discover what a positive screening experience can mean for your company.