If you are working your first TotalWellness flu shot event, please check out our 5-minute video below.
TotalWellness uses VanishPoint syringes for our flu shot events. The needle is automatically retracted directly from the patient into the barrel of the syringe when the plunger handle is fully depressed. The pre-removal, automated retraction virtually eliminates exposure to the contaminated needle, effectively reducing the risk of needlestick injury. VanishPoint syringes are easy to use, require no additional steps, and allow for single-handed activation. To learn more please review VanishPoint materials:
Receiving a flu shot during the COVID-19 pandemic holds more importance than ever. TotalWellness is committed to providing flu shots in a safe environment. Check our our COVID-19 Flu Shot Administration Guide for tips on administration and guidance on drive-thru events.
As a healthcare professional at TotalWellness, it’s important to be knowledgeable about the benefits and side effects of the flu shot. The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) and CDC are the best resources for additional information about flu shots. We have pulled some of the best information for you to review:
— Influenza Q&A: Info about the disease and vaccines
— Influenza vaccination of people with a history of egg allergy
— Concerns About Autism
— Recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
— Influenza Season-What You Should Know
Each vaccine brand is manufactured slightly differently and may be approved for different populations. We’ll include a copy of the vaccine package insert with the vaccine, but we’ve also made them available below.
— Afluria Quadrivalent Package Insert
— Fluad Quadrivalent Package Insert
— Fluarix Quadrivalent Package Insert
— Flucelvax Quadrivalent Package Insert
— Flulaval Quadrivalent Package Insert
— Fluzone High-Dose Package Insert
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