By joining the Stress Less digital health coaching program you have begun your journey to healthier living. For this six-week program, we’ll be looking at what causes us stress, and identifying clear and actionable ways of managing it. We will not pretend that there is a life without stress; instead, we want to give you the tools to cope with and mitigate your daily stressors so that you can be as relaxed, productive and happy as possible. Starting today, you can employ proven methods of managing stress to make your life one of less stress and more living.
Download the workbook to follow along with the weekly video sessions, take notes and track your progress.
Get started today by watching the week 1 video and then be sure to come back each week to watch the other video sessions. You'll receive an email reminder when it's time to watch another video. Make sure you add to your contacts to be sure you'll receive the emails.
From early aging to heart problems, the effects of the day-in, day-out grind can damage your health in irreversible ways. Watch the 12-minute to learn why it's important to manage your stress.