

By joining the Move Your Body digital health coaching program you have begun your journey to healthier living. Moving your body every day can help you feel better and enjoy life more.

Because we're trying to create lifelong, sustainable change, we’re going to take this nice and slow. Each week, we will walk you through a new topic with questions to consider. You’ll gain insight into your challenges, strengths, choices, habits, and thoughts.

Download the workbook to follow along with the weekly video sessions, take notes and track your progress.

Move Your Body Workbook

Get started today by watching the week 1 video and then be sure to come back each week to watch the other video sessions. You'll receive an email reminder when it's time to watch another video. Make sure you add to your contacts to be sure you'll receive the emails.

Week 1

In this 10 minute session, we will be talking about all the amazing benefits of exercise.